

Baluster turnings are riven (split) from a hard maple log and hand turned when still green (wet). Hard maple is extremely strong and holds a sharp edge — riving ensures straight grain for strength. Six-degree tapers are standard on leg and arm-stump tenons and all tenons are left oversized for you to finish to your specifications, either on the lathe or with a tenon cutter. Turnings may arrive green; these will require air drying before assembly. Expect some tool marks, oval cross-section, warp, and the slightly fuzzy surface that results from turning green wood.

We also sell riven oak and maple blanks for you to make your own turnings.

Turnings are made to order and may take a month or two to ship, depending on my current backlog. Contact me for more info or to place an order.

Baluster Turnings

Stretcher — $30

Arm Stump (specify chair type) — $30

Leg — $45

Fan Back Post (22″) — $50

Fan Back Arm Chair Post (30″) — $70

Elegant Double-Bobbin Leg Red Oak with Shaved Facets Black-on-Red Milk PaintDOUBLE-BOBBIN TURNINGS
Double-Bobbin turnings give a simpler, more modern look to a chair. The parts are riven from an oak log and turned while green. The grain is perfectly straight, allowing the chairmaker to put spokeshave facets on the turnings if so desired (as shown in the photo). Six-degree tapers are standard on leg and arm-stump tenons and all tenons are left oversized for you to finish to your specifications. Turnings may arrive green; these will require air drying before assembly. Expect some tool marks, oval cross-section, warp, and the slightly fuzzy surface that results from turning green wood.

Turnings are made to order and may take a month or two to ship, depending on my current backlog. Contact me for more info or to place an order.

Double-Bobbin Turnings

Stretcher — $18

Arm Stump (specify chair type) — $18

Leg — $25

Fan Back Post (22″) — $30

I also do custom turning and am happy to modify my parts to match your needs. Contact me for a price quote.

Tools & Supplies

“I have received my turnings, and wow, they are great. The detail is so crisp, I have a lot of learning and practice to do to achieve this level. I’m going to make a more refined chair now to blend with your excellent turnings.”
– Mike Reeves

Read about the pros and cons of 6 versus 11 degree tapered tenons.

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