I thought you all might like to see a fun, short video Roy Underhill and I did after we filmed a TV show last week:
Bentwood Firewood Carrier FailHappy Woodwright Wednesday! Who’s ready for some fresh video? It’s blazing hot out there, so why not get a jump on winter by learning the secret to building a bentwood firewood carrier, successfully, with Roy and Elia Bizzarri. #TensionFailure #CompressionFailure “Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails forward toward success.” —C. S. Lewis #JustSayin’
Posted by The Woodwright’s Shop on Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Survey Results
Thanks for all the feedback to the survey. I got quite a few responses and it was very informative.
Not surprisingly ‘Chairmaking How-To’ was everyone’s favorite topic. Almost as popular was ‘Tools & Supplies for Sale’. I was surprised ‘Finishing How-To’, ‘Chairmaking Videos’ and ‘Chair Stories’ were all about the same, and statistically not very far behind the leading two topics. ‘Chairs For Sale’ was obviously the least favorite category, but I was quite surprised that 20% gave it five stars. Maybe I’ll post a chair and see if anything happens.
I should post more often was the most common comment. This I will attempt to do! I also got lots of great ideas for post topics and will try to work on themn soon.
Many thanks for all the great suggestions!