About eight years ago I taught a class at The Woodwright’s School. That wasn’t anything new – I’ve been teaching there twice a year for over a decade now. One of my students in that class built this chair – entirely with hand tools, of course. That’s the only way it’s done there. He split the spindles from the log at Roy Underhill’s home shop and steamed the bow using Roy’s wood-fired boiler. Back in town, he sawed the seat with one of Roy’s antique bowsaws and bored it’s mortises with his antique drills.
A few months ago my student died. Jerome Bias, a well-known local woodworker, is helping his widow sell his things. Anyone want a nice rocker? I don’t know much about it, other than that it is unfinished and that it can be shipped.
$700 OBO – contact Jerome for more info (or 919-215-2170).
I’ll take it. Brad Turner