Curtis Carving Spoons/Settee Class

by | Apr 23, 2017 | 0 comments

Curtis Buchanan and I spent some time carving spoons last January.  I photographed his process, which he describes as “the way a chairmaker with bad elbows carves a spoon.”  Or something like that.

He carves the bowl first.  This is steam bent cherry.

Saws it out (hatchets hurt his tendonitis).

Drawknifes it to shape…

Cleans it up with a spokeshave…

Texturing the handle with a hook-knife.


Settee Class

I am considering adding a Continuous Arm Settee class the week of Feb 19th, 2018.  Since some parts would need to be made at home ahead of time, it would be reserved for students who have taken a class from me (or another teacher I can vouch for). I am trying to gauge interest:  e-mail me if you might be interested.


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