Spoon Carving Videos with Curtis Buchanan

by | Sep 26, 2020 | 2 comments

Last weekend’s spoon carving class with Curtis was a blast. It was great to be able to teach with him and I learned a new way to carve a spoon. We’re busy figuring out how to get Curtis’s camera into his shop and buying lights for my shop before our Democratic Chair class series starts next month (get your order for parts in by Sunday). Here’s some clips from the class (the full video is available for donation on my website):

Steam Bending a Spoon Blank

Using a Drawknife to Carve a Spoon

A Hollow-Grinding Jig for Sloyd Knives

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Bob Simmons
3 years ago

Elia, thanks for posting these snippets! Having a quick review is very helpful!

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