I’ve been looking forward to doing this class for a few months – I first learned to carve a spoon properly in one of Peter’s classes and he is such a laid-back, entertaining fellow that the idea of teaching with him sounds like great fun. We’ll carve a spoon similar to the one in the photo above, with Peter demonstrating the technique and me following along under Peter’s supervision. Should be a hoot.
SPOON CARVING CLASS Pt. 1: HEWING THE BLANK January 9th, 1pm Eastern
SPOON CARVING CLASS Pt. 2: KNIFE WORK January 16th, 1pm Eastern
I first started making reamers about 15 years ago. They were pretty bad back then, but I’ve made a few thousand reamers since and have learned quite a bit. I’ve wanted to write a reamer-making series on my blog for years, but technical writing is quite fussy work and I never quite got to it. So I’m excited to be able to do it on video, where you can see what the heck is happening. We’ll cover everything from making a blade from a piece of scrap steel to adding an adjustment screw, with lots of time spent on getting the reamer to cut well. I am also selling a reamer kit of the wood and metal you need to build a reamer to go a long with the class (but you can also scrounge the materials locally – we’ll talk about that during class).
MAKE A REAMER Pt. 1 with ELIA BIZZARRI January 23rd, 1pm Eastern
MAKE A REAMER Pt. 2 with ELIA BIZZARRI January 30th, 1pm Eastern
Here’s a few clips from the democratic chair series:
Kiln Construction and Drying Wood
All About Seat Blanks
Considerations on Seat Prep and Layout
Orienting the Back Posts for Reaming
Shaping a Spindle (after squaring up a blank)
What a magnificent & lovely article this is! Really great & phenomenal. Thanks a lot. Keep up the great job. Happy blogging.