Elia Bizzarri

Make a Wheelbarrow with me and Peter Ross

My wife Morgan and I got back from our honeymoon in Italy a couple weeks ago.  We focused on eating and walking, but I did see a 15th century riven-oak square thing (wardrobe?)  in a museum, so I know they did have respectable trees once upon a time. ...

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40 Chairs and a Barrel

I have just returned from a road trip to Michigan with my friend Bill Anderson.  The trip had a dual focus: deliver 40 chairs and learn to make a barrel. This by far the largest chair order I've ever gotten. What fun! I'd take another job like this tomorrow -...

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Spinning Wheels

One of my readers sent me this video.  It's from 1964 Sweden, of an old fellow making a spinning wheel.  The film is beautifully shot and silent, so you can can choose your own soundtrack.  There's a lot of great parts, but my favorite is the boring and...

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My First Chair Class in Three Years

For the first time in three years, I am teaching a chair class. Or really a chair-and-table class.  I'm co-teaching with my friend Eric Cannizzaro for two weeks at Penland in the NC mountains. Come spend your days building chairs and your evenings watching the...

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A Fancy Chair

I got some photos back from my photographer of a reproduction chair I made for a collector in Kentucky, who owns the original of this chair. It is the only signed Windsor chair from KY known to exist, made near Lexington KY between about 1810 and 1830. The old chair...

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Spoon Bit Tricks

I got a bunch of questions about using spoon bits.  Here's the answers to a few of them. How do you get the spoon bit to start where you want it? My favorite answer is to adjust your expectations.  But there are some tips that will give you more...

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Dave Sawyer

"I was talking with Dave Sawyer last week and I asked him if you could go work with him.  He said 'yes.'" I was standing in Curtis Buchanan's garden, helping him pick vegetables. I had been apprenticing with Curtis for six years and he was worried that I was...

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