Seth (resident toolmaker, rivings splitter, cook and nice guy) suggested I run a two week class, from log to paint. Since my new Greeenwood Week is filling up, I figured I might as well try this too. I’ve been building a spring-pole lathe and intend to park it in my girlfrind’s backyard while I re-learn how to use it. My first lathe was a spring-pole lathe (or really a bungee lathe), back when I was a teenager. I’m excited to have an excuse to use one again!
Here’s the pitch:
Log to paint: make a chair from start to finish, including the turnings! Want to build a chair entirely with handtools, no exceptions, no short-cuts? Or would you rather use a few power-tools to ease your day? The choice is yours in this two-week Loop Back Windsor class.
On Monday morning we will drive to the log yard and pick out an oak log. For the next few days, we’ll rive legs and stretchers and turn them on a lathe. I’ll demonstrate both a springpole and an electric lathe; you choose which to use.
Spindles and bows will be split and shaved with froes and drawknives. Seats will be sawn with bowsaws or bandsaws and carved with inshaves and travishers. Holes will be bored with bit-braces or cordless drills. We’ll paint our chairs with milk paint, and finish them with shellac (as time permits).
Amazingly delicious lunches will be provided by Seth Elliott. Class size is limited to four students.
A $400 deposit is required to register. If written cancellation is received up to two months before the class start date, a 50% refund will be provided. Within two months no refund is offered.
Please note: Many students find my week long classes to be exhausting. This class will be twice as exhausting. We will be moving logs weighing close to a ton, using sledge hammers and hatchets for hours on end, eating heartily and sleeping soundly. If you aren’t used to lots of physical activity, this may not be the class for you.
SOUP-TO-NUTS LOOP BACK October 14th to 25th, 2019 (Sat afternoon and Sunday off) – $2800
Other chairmaking classes can be found on my teaching page.

Buying our oak log…

…and splitting it.

Turn the legs…

…and saw the seats.

Assemble the chairs…

…and paint them.